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A glimpse at our new space!

Options phase III Expansion Fall 2020

We’re in this TOGETHER!

Be a part of our expansion!

Though our renovation project has been graciously covered, we still have an abundance of material and financial needs surrounding this new phase at Options. Our brand new space will need to be furnished and equipped to be prepared for our grand reveal and opening. We recognize that everyone is able to give in different ways and to different capacities, so we offer you two opportunities to make an impact! The first opportunity is for those who wish to pledge a monetary gift for larger items (CABINETRY, privacy blinds, etc), and the second is for those who would like to purchase (via gift registry) one or more items to fill our space. Tax RECEIPTS AVAILABLE, as usual, for your generous gifts.

(see below for details and direct links)

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Launching Fall 2020…

We’re expecting!

Over the past few years, Options has experienced unprecedented growth and demand as well as abundant encouragement from the community at large. Across the board, it is common knowledge that the services which Options offers (surrounding unplanned pregnancy in specific) are greatly lacking in our province. An absence of support, resources and time to invest; often leave individuals feeling alone or pressured into choices which may be different than desired. An overwhelming 7% of youth in the Monteregie region find themself pregnant unexpectedly. (*Some site that the numbers are higher in the Chateauguay/Kahnawake area.)

Our hearts are greatly moved by these overwhelming and very real needs. Even still, we have been faithfully pressing forward in this work, deeply feeling the need to offer MORE. In the last years our team has been (mostly) secretive about these hopes and dreams as we waited on God’s timing, ultimately. We knew the time would come, but certain obstab=cles stood before us. We are thrilled to announce that the time has come and the time for MORE is NOW!

December 2019 marked a tipping point in this vision for Options, as some extremely generous and dedicated individuals stepped up to the plate to fully fund our renovation project. Having the same heart and desire to stand in the gap for the marginalized, their generosity served as confirmation that the time for “more” was now. Simultaneously, new monthly funding was pledged to cover lost revenue from previous tenants and to help support our operational budget. Our dream could now become an reality!

Well friends, we are thrilled to no longer hold back this exciting news… Our Centre has already started this important renovation project to better serve our community and more efficiently strengthen those we serve.

Fall 2020, we will announce more about what this means on a practical level, but what we are able to reveal for now, is that we will now occupy the ground level of Chateauguay’s Youth Unlimited building (which is also home to Station 7 Youth Centre) with an expanded, custom-tailored space to best cater to our clients.

Our new expanded space will offer:

  • Ground level, accessible care in the heart of Chateauguay

  • Enhanced specialized medical services

  • Additional support rooms

  • Increased privacy

  • Higher level of safety (Including a reception sink to prevent transmission of COVID and other illnesses)

  • Enriched programming and services (To be announced)

  • Much more!

We thank you wholeheartedly for not only believing in the work we are committed to, but moreover, for the compassion you have and commitment to empower those around you!

We are better together.
Stronger together.
Changing the culture.
Changing hearts and lives.

Your generous gifts WILL make a difference. The impact of your investment in Options’ ministry will reach GENERATIONS to come. This is an opportunity to be a part of powerful, life-changing and deeply needed work. 

Will you join us in this mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus to these young women and families who feel so alone?

Individuals who contribute $20 or more and include their contact information with the bottle will receive a tax receipt.

Options: Resource and Pregnancy Centre for Youth offers free and confidential support to young women, young men, and families as they navigate unplanned pregnancy and unprepared parenthood. Our vision is to care specifically for the whole woman: physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. It is also to recognize the role fathers and families play within the reality of unplanned pregnancy and unprepared parenthood.



Register to be a new supporting organization or business

For businesses, churches or organizations who care!

Do you want to learn more about opportunities to partner with Options? From one-time fundraisers, to ongoing contributions and more, we can custom-tailor a package that suits your business’ needs and desire to impact our community! We are stronger together!


Donate directly to our Phase III


Show your support by making an online contribution! We have a number of larger and more costly items to purchase (such as cabinetry, privacy blinds, etc) that need to be funded for. These specific donations are earmarked for such projects and will be designated as such. *Please contact us for donations over $1,000.

Donations made to Options through Youth Unlimited will receive a tax receipt.


Buy needed items on our registry!

Help us furnish and equip our new space!

We wish to offer a dignified, clean and modern space to usher our guests into a peaceful and cared-for state of mind. Here is a unique opportunity to browse through and purchase items on our needs-list “Registry”. Every item purchased for the Centre is a way to show care and compassion to individuals who grace our centre for support.

Items purchased are eligible for a “gift in kind” tax receipt (contact us afterward so we may arrange this).